Free Games

Free Games

Free Games is a site that has been generating significant revenue since the earliest days of E-commerce. Specializing in exactly the kind of content that provides recurring user engagement across a massive audience, the domain name alone has already been appraised at values in excess of five million dollars. Now with an influx of capital investment and a talented team of developers at work, the site is evolving into the premier online gaming portal for anyone interested in free games, mobile gaming, freemium services or the best direct advertising opportunities available anywhere online for key demographics.

“Free Games is a domain in our portfolio that has category-killer potential with diverse revenue streams and partnership possibilities worthy of in-depth analysis” said Paul of “Since its inception in 1996 we have seen excellent results through each evolution of the site as the community becomes even more fully engaged with our lifestyle brand. Now we are looking for new levels of continued success by exploring direct advertising, product placement, brand licensing agreements and other avenues of monetization. If you have a product or service that you believe would provide synergy with FreeGames, we are always willing to discuss options with you.”

Investors interested in moving the Free Games brand forward are encouraged to contact us for more information or to connect with ownership directly.